Warm ups
Wear Moi Radiance
This radiant shrug will bring comfort and a fashion forward look. Knit lace detail and acrylic base.
Wear Moi Fango
Wear Moi Bonny
Gaynor Minden Dancer's Vest
You’re not building a snowman, you’re doing barre.
Puffed up outdoor gear is great for winter sports but
not for the studio. Don’t restrict your movement or
spoil your line, here’s something designed specifically
for ballet class.
Thin, light, comfortable, technical stretch fleece.
Elegant princess seams create a sleek tailored fit.
Hem nicely finished with stretch grosgrain.
Good details: embroidered collar tap, sturdy zipper.
Material: Stretch Fleece
Available in Black or Candy Pink.
Gaynor Minden Micro-Tech Warm-up Short
Rich MicroTech fabric drapes gracefully, and is cut slim for an elegant line.
Bonus: absolutely silent when legs brush together.
100% Polyester Microfiber
Capezio Foldover Boyshort
This soft knit bodyshort has a snug fit, featuring a ribbed foldover waist and hemline. It adds warm texture to rehearsal outfits and retains elasticity over time.
- 44% Viscose/28% Polyester/28% Nylon
Capezio Boyshort
This cozy bodyshort has a snug fit with ribbing at the waistline and hem. It retains elasticity over time so feel free to stretch, kick and leap away.
- 44% Viscose/28% Polyester/28% Nylon
- CK10951W
Capezio Girls Wrap Sweater
- 55% Acrylic/45% Cotton
- Soft and durable sweater with improved feel and fit
- CK10949C